Week 2: The Ropes

Time: 01/28-01/31, 17.25 hours

Topics: The Pros and Cons of a Remote Internship.

Tools: GitHub, Prismic, Gatsby.


This week I spent time working on the new blog page for the marketing site. I was getting aquatinted with Prismic and Gatsby so it was pretty slow going. I was used to Webflow’s “no-code” web design workflow so I needed to readjust to writing in React components. Later I would discover how easily I could export designs from Webflow to inject into my Gatsby apps, but for now, I was building components from scratch and doing a lot of research, watching YouTube videos on both Prismic and Gatsby, and asking Cyril, one of the Wunderite developers based in the Philippines, a ton of questions. 

Something I was also getting used to was Wunderite’s call schedule. Besides all-team meetings on Sunday nights, we had morning scrums Monday through Thursday at 9 am EST which meant 8 am for me. Here’s a screenshot that shows how drowsy I was during these calls the first week:

The Pros and Cons of a Remote Internship: I found that the weekly morning calls, or “stand up meetings” kept me motivated to get work done throughout the day. The format of these calls was simple, each person would go around explaining what they worked on the day before, what they would work on that day, and whether or not they had any blockers. This way I always wanted to have something to report for the next morning. It was also nice to have daily calls with the team because most days it was my only contact with the team. Before calls officially started there was typically some laid back conversation and getting to know one another.